Jacques Duplain

Financial Planner

Contact: 613-592-2422 ext. 291

Email: jacques@panoramawealth.ca

Jacques is a Financial Advisor guiding Corporations, Individuals and Associations for the past three decades, which includes Investment, Estate Planning, Succession Planning, Insurance solutions including Employee Benefits.

His focus is on small to medium size business assisting owners in achieving their financial goals.

Jacques takes the time to understand their financial situation and goals in an effort to better customize a plan for his clients, while utilizing the latest financial, tax and estate matters.

He represents Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE), Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA) and Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).

In order to better serve his clients, he continues to complete industry courses such as Professional Financial Advisor (PFA), Certified Health Insurance Specialist (CHS) and Elder Planning Counselor (EPC) and continue to enroll in other designation such as (QAFP) Qualified Associate Financial Planner.

Jacques has been involved in various volunteer roles, most recently has served on The Financial Advisors Association of Canada also known as Advocis and is currently on Ottawa Advocis Board. He has held the position of President of the Advocis Ottawa Chapter as well as several executive roles such as Best Practice, Treasurer, Vice President and most recently outgoing president.